Worm causes computer to crash

Posted by IS

When Mark Taylor’s computer crashed, he suspected he had a “worm” virus in the system, but was surprised to discover the problem was caused by an actual earthworm. The discovery was made by IT repairmen who found the 5in worm lodged inside the computer. The creature had crawled into his £360 old laptop through an air vent and wrapped itself around the internal fan, leading to a total breakdown. The worm itself was burned and frazzled having been ‘cooked’ by the overheating internal workings of the Gateway laptop computer.

Toyota Wants to Build Car From Seaweed

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Toyota is looking to a greener future — literally — with dreams of an ultralight, superefficient plug-in hybrid with a bioplastic body made of seaweed that could be in showrooms within 15 years. The kelp car would build upon the already hypergreen 1/X plug-in hybrid concept, which weighs 926 pounds, by replacing its carbon-fiber body with plastic derived from seaweed. As wild as it might sound, bioplastics are becoming increasingly common and Toyota thinks it’s only a matter of time before automakers use them to build cars.

To Save Animals, Put a Price on Them

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Rather than relying on warm, fuzzy feelings to protect animals, conservationists suggest appealing to something more reliable: greed. By selling financial contracts pegged to species health, the government could create a market in the future of threatened animals, making their preservation literally valuable to investors.

MIT Unveils 90 MPH Solar Race Car

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MIT’s latest solar race car might look like a funky Ikea table with a hump, but don’t laugh. It’ll do 90 mph and is packed with technology that may end up in the hybrids and EVs the rest of us will soon be driving. The university’s Solar Electric Vehicle Team, the oldest such team in the country, unveiled the $243,000 carbon-fiber racer dubbed Eleanor on Friday and is shaking the car down to prepare for its inaugural race later this year.

Without Tears, Is There Still Sadness?

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POST-A new study has found that removing just the tears out of pictures of people crying reduces the sadness that viewers perceive in the photos, even though the rest of the expression remains intact. The research subjects said when the tears were digitally erased, the faces’ emotional content became ambiguous, ranging from awe-filled to puzzlement. “One of the startling things is that the faces not only look less sad but they don’t look sad at all. They look neutral,” said Robert Provine, the University of Maryland-Baltimore County neuroscientist who led the work. “Any photograph you see, you can put your finger on the screen and block out the tears.

Travelling to Ireland

Posted by IS On 2:56 PM

Home to the capital, Dublin, it holds a population of more than two million people with the main language, English, with close to 75% of the population speaking Irish which is very common on the western coast. Irish is a Celtic language with Indo-European roots, sometimes referred to as Gaelic- which refers to the Scottish language. It should correctly be defined as Irish Gaelic. The name Gaelic is derived from the word Gale, the name given to the Celts. The Irish word for the language is Gaelige.

This fairly beautiful country is endowed with people who love farming and is also best known for its good production of meat like bacon, poultry and dairy products. The surrounding sea, inland lakes and rivers offer some of the best seafood which includes the salmon, trout, lobster, mussels and periwinkles.

Dublin offers some of the best restaurants- like the Malt house, K.C.Blake’s, Kirwan’s Lane Creative Crusine, Mcdonagh’s Seafood House -and eating places to suit your pocket, and sample some of the specialities offered like the Dublin Bay prawns, Oysters, Irish stew, Crubeens, Colcannon, Soda bread and the Soufflé made with carrageen. Accompany these dishes with a toast from Dublin’s whiskeys; Jamesons, John Powers Gold Label, Hewitts, Paddy and Middleton just to mention a few.

Obviously you won’t claim to have travelled to Ireland without you having to visit some of the most fascinating attractions ever for a once-in-a lifetime experience. They include The Burren- which is wedged between the rough beauty of the Aran Islands and the bustling university city of Galway, with its near featureless desolation which has often been likened to a moonscape and the ancient monuments and bizarre rock formations abound- The Hill of Tara, Dublin City, Glendalough, The Giant’s causeway, the list is endless.

Dublin has some of the most frequently visited hotels to its name; Adare, Arklow, Belfast, Birr, Clong, Clifden, County Dongeal, Ballsbridge and many more that you have to visit and acknowledge them. Especially the Adre Manor hotel and golf resort which combines old world charm with the ultimate golf and beauty spa equestrian facilities branding it a luxury destination that offers you the perfect choice of accommodation.

The history of Ireland is littered with dates and names, heroes and villains, successes and grandiose failures. Learn the overview of the Irish Saints and how Christianity influenced Ireland and what transpired from The Battle of the Boyne- 1690, which involved two armies consisting of the Danish, French, Dutch, Huguenot, German, English and even the Irish. That is why every visitor to Ireland should have some background information on the history and culture of the island. This will not only help to make sense of it all, it will also lead to a much deeper appreciation and more enjoyment of the visit. Some amazing fact and attractions which simply have to be seen in their historical context don’t you think?

Now the transport and communication sector has adversely developed with the ever evolving global technology. Ireland has over 34 airports of which 15 are paved and some of the most important sea ports- Cork, Dublin and Shannon Foynes. You can preferably hire a car for individual tours or a bus if you are in a group and scatter yourself on this island.

As said, when in Rome do as Romans. So next time you think of going out for any vacation, think of Ireland and you will surely become part of it. For an island with a relatively small population, Ireland has made a large contribution to world literature in all its branches, mainly in English. Poetry in Irish represents the oldest vernacular poetry in Europe with the earliest examples dating from the 6th century. Jonathan Swift, still often called the foremost satirist in the English language, was wildly popular in his day for works such as Gulliver’s Travels and A Modest Proposal, and he remains so in modern times. More recently, Ireland has produced four winners of the Nobel Prize for Literature: George Bernard Shaw, William Butler Yeats, Samuel Beckett and Seamus Heaney. Although not a Nobel Prize winner, James Joyce is widely considered one of the most significant writers of the 20th century; Samuel Beckett himself refused to attend his own Nobel award ceremony, in protest of Joyce not having received the award. Joyce’s 1922 novel Ulysses is considered one of the most important works of Modernist literature, and his life is celebrated annually on 16 June in Dublin as the Bloomsday celebrations.

The story of art in Ireland begins with Stone Age carvings found at sites such as Newgrange. It is traced through Bronze age artifacts, particularly ornamental gold objects, and the religious carvings and illuminated manuscripts of the mediæval period. During the course of the 19th and 20th centuries, a strong indigenous tradition of painting emerged, including such figures as John Butler Yeats, William Orpen, Jack Yeats and Louis le Brocquy.

Modern Irish literature is still often connected with its rural heritage, through writers like John McGahern and poets like Seamus Heaney.

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